It’s An Inside Job! Conquering Predictable Patterns & Pain Points
Posted: September 30, 2019
Trigger Warning: This is a Spiritual Post…hold onto to your heart! and grab your oil!
The enemy, old Satan, that demon doesn’t have to work too hard to trip us up. What was revealed to me today is that He (that darn devil) goes for the predictable pain points that we have not yet conquered. What are predictable pain points? Unresolved inner wounds and life issues. For some, it’s the family secrets, trauma. For others, it’s that daily comparison spirit of feeling like we are not doing enough and that somebody looks like they getting more blessings than me. And for others, the pain points are attacks on our health and our loved ones.
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Check the word (of God, the Bible). Scripture reference: John 10:10.
Steal…our joy, our peace, our faith, our wealth and prosperity…
Kill…our babies, our joy, relationships, hope, dreams, health, well mind and body…
Destroy…our relationships, our covenant agreement with Christ, our faith, our beliefs…
In my experience there is an increase in the report of excessive worry. I am hearing more reports and I am working with people who are sharing how much anxiety and worry they are living with on a daily basis. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of anxiety that you may not have known are ways anxiety manifest itself in the soul (mind + emotions+ body).
The enemy comes to steal our peace of mind. If he can get you distracted by your own thoughts, he will keep you from being the warrior that God has created you to be. He creates a battlefield and playground for his deception in your mind where you think you are losing your mind.
Why this story now? Because the enemy is attacking my family and friends. It’s time for spiritual warfare. The enemy does not play fair. But he’s not supposed to. Recall that I said he doesn’t have to try hard to trip us up. He knows what we have yet to reign in and control in our thought life. He knows the vices and coping we turn to when we are under attack.
Let’s make it impossible for him to get this win. I invite you to pray this prayer daily and to share your story of overcoming debilitating fear and anxiety.
Father God,
Today I give in and surrender to what has my mind body and spirit bound-anxiety, fear, doubt, unbelief ____________________ (insert your personal need). Your word says that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. I understand that as I pray this prayer of surrender that I take authority over the debilitating effects of anxiety. I thank you Lord that as a new creation, I was granted through accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior, power and authority to rebuke anything that is not of God. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy my inner peace and I will not allow that. This day I declare and decree that those negative emotions no longer have a place in my spirit and in my life.
In Jesus name, I pray Amen.
I dare you to pray this pray for 30 days consecutively and tell me your life isn’t changed.
It’s my challenge…will it be yours?
In your wellness, Dr. Clack
My Work is My Ministry