For Such A Time As This: An Experience to be Savored

I’mmmm backkkkkk!!!! Literally and figuratively. If you follow me on social media you will have been saturated with the glow from the pictures of the No More Breadcrumbs Sis, We taking the Bakery Retreat hosted by Dr Nakita Davis. We spent two days in beautiful Miami, FL. Two full days of investing in us as our best thing! You just had to be in the room to get all the Godly downloads, revelations, and love that each woman received and gave to each other.

Your girl here, Dr Angela Clack, (check out the behind scenes photos) spoke about Black women professionals healing mind, body, spirit and soul beyond your routine self- care. There are levels to this thing called self-care and as high achieving Black women the energy we expend on a daily, both mentally and physically, requires RADICAL self-care.

Here are some wisdom notes from the retreat:

  1. You must make investments in you! You are your best thing. The bible says your gift will make room for you. True, right? But do you know how to nurture and then leverage those gifts, talents and abilities? Being in the room (I mean really showing up for yourself) will give you opportunities and connections that don’t happen when you sitting on the sideline on the bench or peeking through the window looking in from the outside.
  2. Start with expectations! Even if you don’t have all the details and information ahead of time/schedule (come on all you perfectionist folk…take a leap) make an intentional commitment to expect certain things will happen for you, through you and in connection with others to you by just making the investment.
  3. Find time for self-care that includes fun. I think that was one of the best parts of the retreat. We ate, we laughed, we sang, and we played. Don’t lose sight of being a grown up that we don’t need fun!

In my vision and journaling time while away, the Lord gave me a vision of something I had put on the back burner for the last couple of years. The retreat this weekend sparked my enthusiasm to go ahead and draft the plan and drop the announcement. He even gave me the name for the event.

So, you are hearing it here first. Coming in 2023 will be my first live event entitled, For Such A Time As This: The Esther Experience. Isn’t that beautiful. I pictured so much when he downloaded it into my spirit. It will be a Two -Day Women’s Intensive for High Achieving Black Women who want to heal so that she can operate in her genius! Limited number of participants to get the full intense experience. This event will be followed by a one- day conference in 2024 for all women (unlimited capacity) focused on holistic health.