Calling All Of My Sisters in Christ! It’s Time to Pray!

Who doesn’t love the Psalms in the Bible?! Among all the books of the Bible, the Psalms is the most relatable one. There is always something in the Psalms that you can read when you face any situation in your life. Additionally, it’s spot on! Whenever I read Psalms 27, I am reminded that the Lord is always there for me and that he won’t leave me nor forsake me. Our struggle to talk to the Lord when we are in a dark place is a reflection of keeping the Lord first in everything we do.

I would like to encourage all of my sisters in Christ to reach out to God if you feel alone and find it difficult to reach out! The Lord sees and hears your cries. I promise you that he is working in your favor and that it is not over. I know how it feels to struggle in your spiritual journey when you have depression and anxiety, and honestly, I am currently working on getting back on that path. It is not easy, and we all fall short in our faith journey. Remember, there is no such thing as perfection. I believe in you and I pray for all my sisters around the world that are still in this season! You are heard, seen, and loved. You may find it helpful to spend time alone in prayer reflecting on his goodness and just being still.

I would love to share my favorite Bible verse that uplifts me and reminds me of who I am in Christ. Psalms 37:7 says, “Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.” (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

With a world of distractions, we live in you may find your mind wandering off into a hundred places. Take time to find your sweet spot. Dr. Clack, CEO of Clack Associates, finds getting away to other environments where she sits near blue water and in green spaces as nurturing her mind, body, soul, and spirit. That’s why she is working intentionally and mindfully to create this holistic experience in the upcoming 2023 Wellness Retreats.

What do you need to get grounded, focused, and immersed in your wellness? Maybe you are like Dr. Clack and you look forward to your tropical island vacation. Or maybe you enjoy hiking in the mountains and journaling while praying. Or maybe you prefer a spa experience. Whatever that is for you, be intentional and plan it! God will meet you there. I know because he’s done it for me. If he did it for me, he’d do it for you!

If you would like to know more about the upcoming retreat, subscribe to Dr. Clack’s practice newsletter and get notified about the upcoming information session in June 2023 specifically to learn more details and give your input on what you would like to experience in a retreat setting. You’ll also get access to all the great blogs, videos, and evites/invites first.

Trust in the Lord, and he will pull you through.

In Your Wellness,
Briana Ricks, BA Intern Stockton University
Angela R Clack, PsyD, LPC Practice CEO, ACS